Friday, September 01, 2006

But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was very angry. Jonah 4:1 Spiritual pride, you think you would be immune to it by now, but oh my gosh, there it is again ! When my emotion of anger comes up, I pretty well know something is up in the flesh that ought not be there. Unless my anger can be connected somehow to events such as was going on in the temple when Jesus became irate because the scribes were selling stuff there and cheating (I think was the problem), anger is a flag to me, I better look to Jesus and see if He has something to say to me.
Now, I have God's word this morning to enlighten me as to what God had to say about my anger that I recently experienced. Then said the LORD, Doest thou well to be angry? Jonah 4:4
Jonah, sat there looking at the people of Nienavah, he was angry.
I realize like Jonah did, no, I don't do well to be angry. I am so blessed to be able to understand the grace and mercy of God. It is a blessing that He chooses to give as He wills and to whoever He wills. Who am I to become angry ? Should He want to reveal His grace and mercy at any given time to any given person it certainly is not any of my business. My business is to go about my Father's business and not be looking over someone's shoulder to see if they are doing the same. His mercy endured forever. I think the Psalmist saw that as he declared the mercy of God in many of the Psalms. A people who could not seem to get the basic principles of the kind of relationship He wanted to have with Him, yet His mercy endured forever. Thank you LORD, that it is so. All the while I traveled around in my wilderness with a stiff-neck and uncircumcised heart, Your mercy endured forever. Even now while I try to prepare for the Jericho march, Your mercy endureth forever. Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Lord, that Your mercy endureth forever. May my heart be circumcised more as I let You cut this pride off me by receiving that Jesus paid the price so that I would not have to, for my sin.


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