Friday, October 27, 2006

Ps 51:6 Behold, Thou dost desire truth in the intermost being, And in the hidden part Thou wilt make me know wisdom.
When one asks for God to reveal truth in the inward parts I suppose one is expecting that He will show them sin. Some kind of a transgression that they are guilty of.
Perhaps like David they have been made aware that they are outwardly sinning but inwardly had not really been convicted. Yet David knew he ought to be convicted, so he asked, give me truth.
David's faith in God's forgiveness gave him the boldness to request such knowledge. As I become more aware of God's great compassion and ability to give great mercy and grace, I too become bolder and able to ask for truth in my inward parts.
And to make me know wisdom.
Just knowing about a transgression doesn't do me much good unless there is some wisdom to go along with it to inform me as to how to not repeat the transgression again.
Sin pointed out by another person does little to help me , unless I take that information to God and pray this prayer.

I have for so long made this my prayer asking for truth in my inward parts that I failed to realize that David was stating a fact. God desires truth, in our innermost being.
I think my having a desire for truth is most important. When I think I do not really have to know the truth about something I am trying to slip back into an apathetic state of hypocrisy. Although not knowing the truth might seem like an easier course because truth will always require some action.
However, once again I remind myself , I have the hope of wisdom, as David requested of the LORD so might I also receive.


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